KOANDE Joel-Patrick (22)
"My name is KOANDE Joel-Patrick. I am 22-years old Ivorian student, in Master 1 Accountancy Control Audit. Coming from a family of three children of which I am the eldest, I made my childhood in Daloa, a town located at about 200 kilometers from Abidjan. Having lost my father when I was eight years old, I have continued my studies thanks to my mother who didn’t stop fighting to provide education for us, me and my brothers.
With the same time, I built myself a personality and my own ambitions which are summarized to succeed in life and to take care of my mother and my brothers. Consequently, I became aware of the family responsibility which was booked to me. I succeeded to my BEPC (Brevet d’études du premier cycle) with mention, after the BAC at seventeen years old.
I integrated INSTEC’s school in order to become a financial auditor. I had my BTS in finances accounting, and then the bachelor’s degree in accounting control audit. In all humility, being inhabited from a great determination and a great courage, considering my mother’s effort I want to go at the end of my ambitions, for that I infinitely thank God and waali for this opportunity it gives us through these scholarships. May God reward and bless you."